Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, November 14th

Trivia Question
Who is the Mayor of Mississauga?
Answer: Hazel McCallion

Words of the day
7:20am: mountains
9:20am: down under
2:20pm: beach
5:20pm: touring

Song of the day: You May Be Right
Which Billy Joel song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8 am and 9 am?


smnbaby said...

Trivia Answer: Hazel McCallion

smnbaby said...

Song of the Day: You May Be Right

Unknown said...

7:20 bonus code "mountains"

Jabba the Hutt said...

Flight 973 lands at 1:15

Unknown said...

what infos about flight arrival means and for what???

Unknown said...

9:20 bonus code "down under"

moody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
moody said...

Dear t -
If you actually listened to EZ Rock even for 10 minutes you would know what the flight time was all about. I think most people here listen to the station to some degree and may refer here for confirmation of a code or may have been unable to listen to a radio at a particular time, and missed a code. The flight promotion started on Monday and is all over the website (you know - where you put the codes in).

Unknown said...

thanks moody ;-D

Unknown said...

2:20 bonus code "beach"

moody said...

Dear t
Didn't mean to come off so harsh, as you can tell I'm a little moody today! Anyway it's a new promo that started this week - good luck being caller 25!

Sugar said...

5:20 - touring