Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday, November 15th

Words of the day
7:20am: brisbane
9:20am: culture
2:20pm: passport
5:20pm: adventure

Leon's code = sofa
Iliminit code = tree lighting
both good for 1000 points

magic = 5000 points


Jabba the Hutt said...

7:20 - brisbane

out of the blue said...

9:20 - culture

Sugar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly said...

Does anyone happen to have bonus code event words from yesterday at the zoo or today at the locations? I'm stuck working and can't make it out:-( Thank you so much in advance...have a great day...even with the rain.

out of the blue said...

2:20 - passport

LD said...

5:20 - adventure

zoo code was kermit which no longer works :(

Leon's code = sofa
Iliminit code = tree lighting
both good for 1000 points

magic = 5000 points :))

Kelly said...

So lovely to post those codes for everyone....THANKS A BUNCH!!!!!!!