Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday, October 7th

Trivia Question
Which Ontario Park has been officially named the
World's oldest baseball park?
Answer: Labatt Park

Words of the day
7:20am: Shamu
9:20am: stingray
2:20pm: attractions
5:20pm: whale

Song of the day: Stir It Up


Unknown said...

Trivia Question: Labbatt Park
Song: Stir it up

krueger said...

7.20 word Shamu

Jabba the Hutt said...

9:20 - stingray

Angel said...

Triva ?: Which Ontario Park has been officially named the World's oldest baseball park?

Answer: Labatt Park

Sugar said...

2:20 - attractions

gadget232 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jabba the Hutt said...

5:20 - whale