Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday, October 6th

Trivia Question
For which concert is the morning show giving away tickets
to all week long?
Answer: Madonna

Words of the day
7:20am: dolphin
9:20am: pool
5:20pm: family

Which Counting Crows song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8 am and 9 am?
Answer: Big Yellow Taxi


Jabba the Hutt said...

For which concert is the morning show giving away tickets to all week long?


Unknown said...

7:20 dolphin

out of the blue said...

* Which Counting Crows song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8 am and 9 am?

Big Yellow Taxi

out of the blue said...

9:20 - pool

Sugar said...

5;20 - family

gadget232 said...

5:20 - family

Sugar said...

2:20 - orlando

out of the blue said...

Thanks Sugar!