Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 20th

Trivia Question
Who is the host of the "Awesome 80's Mid-Day Cafe"?
Answer: Darryl

Words of the day
7:20am: discovery
9:20am: sunshine
2:20pm: vacation
5:20pm: camera

Song of the day:
Which ABBA song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8 am and 9 am?
Answer: Take a chance on me


Little Erky Perky said...

Trivia Question:
Who is the host of the "Awesome 80's Mid-Day Cafe"?

Answer: Darryl Henry

Unknown said...

song of the day: Take a chance on me

mb said...

7:20 - discovery

Sugar said...

9:20 - sunshine

out of the blue said...

2:20 - vacation

Pendres Chekednes said...

2:20 - vacation

Pinky and The Brain said...

5:20 word camera