Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15th

Trivia Question
Who is the Wine Doctor?
Answer: Edward Finstein

Words of the day
7:20am: Monkey
9:20am: Karma
2:20pm: ???
5:20pm: Weak

Song of the day:
What MADONNA song was played between 8:00am and 8:45am on the EZ MORNINGS show?
Answer: Santa Baby

Newsletter Code: Break (5,000 points)
Code good until Thursday @5 pm


Little Erky Perky said...

Who is the Wine Doctor?
Answer: Edward Finstein

Unknown said...

7:20 bonus code "monkey"

Unknown said...

Song of the Day "Santa Baby"

Jabba the Hutt said...

9:20 - karma

Unknown said...

9:20 bonus code "karma

jd said...

Good afternoon listeners:

Has anyone heard the 2.20 PM bonus code?

Cheers, thank you and Happy Holidays.


dtsalv said...

This note is to inform you that - as part of the ongoing evolution of your radio station - we have made the decision to suspend 1010/EZ Life Rewards program, efffective 11:59 PM on Thursday, December 31, 2009.
We continue to work behind the scenes to ensure that any potential subs...equent listener programs will be built to meet the expectations of you - our loyal listeners.
As previously indicated, please spend your points as liberally as possible between now and the end of the year.
We thank you for your participation in the EZ Life/1010 Rewards program, and are confident that listening to NEWSTALK 1010/97.3 EZ Rock will continue to provide you with rewarding experiences, through our regular programming and a great variety of on air and online contests.

Jabba the Hutt said...

5:20 - weak

Summer365 said...
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moody said...

Light-of-Day (just like a ray of sunshine - not)! Where exactly did you read that second paragraph, that's not posted on the website and they have not sent an email that includes the second paragraph at all. I suspect it's your usual optimistic spin on things...and I always wondered why you were on a blog that was so terrible anyway??

moody said...

The stations are now "evolving", perhaps they will soon be human, and put their listeners first.

Take a tip "Light-of-Day", with your dynamic potential, you could become a solar flare! You obviously use blog too, so you really are in no position to criticize it so much.

mary2557 said...

did anyone get the 220 word

mary2557 said...

did anyone get the 220 word

ice said...

2:20: hickory

mary2557 said...

ICE thanks for the word