Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday, December 17th

Trivia Question
How often should a girl wash her hair if she highlights it?
Answer: 3-4 times a week

Words of the day
7:20am: recruit
9:20am: adventure
2:20pm: flaunt
5:20pm: interior

Song of the day:
What Jose Feliciano Song was played between 8:00am and 8:45am on EZ Mornings?
Answer: Feliz Navidad

Newsletter Code: Break (5,000 points)
Code good until Thursday @5 pm


Unknown said...

7:20 bonus code "recruit"

lorenfr said...

Song of the Day: Feliz Navidad

Jabba the Hutt said...

9:20 - adventure

Jabba the Hutt said...

How often should a girl wash her hair if she highlights it?

3-4 times a week

jd said...

Good afternoon EZ Rock listeners, and greetings:

I missed the 2.20 PM bonus code.

Can someone send this over---please and thank you.

Cheers, and Happy Holidays.


Jabba the Hutt said...

2:20 - flaunt

Jabba the Hutt said...

5:20 - interior