Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday, November 27th

Trivia Question
How much money did EZ Rock and the Children's Aid Society raise in their joint Surrogate Santa Program last year?
Answer: $303,000

Words of the day
7:20am: fingertip
9:20am: Hulk
2:20pm: Volt
5:20pm: intelligence

Song of the day:
Which BAND AID song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8:00 am and 8:45 am?
Answer: Do They Know It's Christmas

Bonus location code: Holidays


Little Erky Perky said...

Trivia Question
How much money did EZ Rock and the Children's Aid Society raise in their joint Surrogate Santa Program last year?

Song of the day:
Which BAND AID song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8:00 am and 8:45 am?

Unknown said...

Trivia Question:
How much money did EZ Rock and the Children's Aid Society raise in their joint Surrogate Santa Program last year?

ANSWER: $303,000

smnbaby said...

Song of the Day: Do They Know It's Christmas

pak said...

Which BAND AID song did Humble, Kim, Colleen and Rick play this morning between 8:00 am and 8:45 am?

Do They Know It's Christmas

pak said...

7:20 Bonus Code:

lisafr said...

9:20 bonus code: hulk

pak said...

9:20 Bonus Code:


pak said...

Bonus location code


JG said...

2:20 Bonus Code - volt

pak said...

2:20 Bonus Code:


pak said...

5:20 Bonus Code:


jayjay said...

Did anybody get the details at their live location today about their $3000 giveaway for the weekend?