Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday, March 14th

Words of the day
7:20am: Pasta
9:20am: resort
2:20pm: volleyball
5:20pm: salad


I listen all day! said...

7:20 Pasta

out of the blue said...

9:20 bonus code: resort

lm said...

2:20 - volleyball

Jabba the Hutt said...

5:20 - salad

I listen all day! said...

I don't get it!! Why do they play another song at 5:21pm? It's called the 5:20 code! We're not the only one's without integrity! :o)

5:25 code: Salad

I listen all day! said...

Sunday 7:20am- Amazing

out of the blue said...

9:20 bonus code: advice

Sugar said...

2:20 - (sunday) route