LD, I'm pretty sure it's just one person. In my opinion, there is only one way to deal with such people. Ignore it. They are way too childish to do anything else.
there are a lot of people who do not like the illegal activities this blog is engaged in. this blog and others like it are nothing more than a means to steal from the various radio stations. a few heads I suspect will be rolling very soon as criminal charges are filed against the owners of these blogs.
People with no life will always find things to worry and complain about! Instead of searching the net for people who are sharing words with each other, why don't you get outside and enjoy the summer! Take a walk in High Park and get some Oxygen in your brain! You want to make the world a better place? Start with all the sites sharing child porn, then go to the music, movies and games. Then when you finish with those come back for us sharing single english words! "The secret to having a great life; is to leard how to have a great day, and do it every day!" Don't look for sites that upset you and make you curse! P.S. You're the best Tim!
It's now Sunday and I tried to put in the downsview bonus word: BUZZ and it said not valid, does that mean that you have to put it in on Saturday all the time???
It's now Sunday and I tried to put in the downsview bonus word: BUZZ and it said not valid, does that mean that you have to put it in on Saturday all the time???
Weird eh, as I put it in with and without capitols, or does that matter as I may have put it in cap's both times!! Shouldn't matter though as I used to enter all the songs putting the first letter of each word of the song in capitals?? Oh well, maybe there's a 24 hour time limit, like with the bonus words as I didn't get the first 2 of Saturday's today as I only tried later on this afternoon (probably past the 24 hours that they are good for, right?)
Thanks again for your help Tim, YOU ROCK!! Always appreciate your help!!
I find it very interesting that at 9:21am tim posted the 9:20 code as being "water", but then someone claimed it was wrong, and that the word was "future". Yet at 11:00PM tonight, both "water" and "future" appear to be valid codes. My only conclusion is that the one playing games with us is actually an insider who knows the codes in advance, as the chance of guessing one is virtually impossible. Somehow I sense this may have been a setup to see who is using this blog for their codes. After all, if you entered a code 8 hours before it was actually on the radio, where did you get it from?
What you say does have it's merits I agree, however someone is also trying to pretend to be Tim and Tim only posts in blue with his name underlined, so someone's also causing him a lot of grief by pretending to be him and swearing back saying F-YOU to NOT THE REAL TIM!!! SO the joke is on the F-YOU person for swearing at NOT the real TIM!!
water not correct
it is future - just heard it on the radio. Who are you people and why are you posting the wrong codes???!!!!
LD, I'm pretty sure it's just one person. In my opinion, there is only one way to deal with such people. Ignore it. They are way too childish to do anything else.
there are a lot of people who do not like the illegal activities this blog is engaged in. this blog and others like it are nothing more than a means to steal from the various radio stations. a few heads I suspect will be rolling very soon as criminal charges are filed against the owners of these blogs.
Fuck you tim!
...petty people will stay petty now matter what age. Just ignore him/her. I will continue giving the right codes and between us we will get them all.
"petty people will stay petty now matter what age"
And criminals will remain criminals...
i.e. "Thou shalt not steal"
9:20 am FUTURE
People with no life will always find things to worry and complain about! Instead of searching the net for people who are sharing words with each other, why don't you get outside and enjoy the summer! Take a walk in High Park and get some Oxygen in your brain! You want to make the world a better place? Start with all the sites sharing child porn, then go to the music, movies and games. Then when you finish with those come back for us sharing single english words!
"The secret to having a great life; is to leard how to have a great day, and do it every day!"
Don't look for sites that upset you and make you curse!
P.S. You're the best Tim!
Dear Tim,
It's now Sunday and I tried to put in the downsview bonus word: BUZZ and it said not valid, does that mean that you have to put it in on Saturday all the time???
Thanks for your help,
And criminals will remain criminals...
Oh my goodness! This person still around?!? LOL!
"water" went in for me!
Now isn't it ironic that anonymous people you are trying to sabbotage our community efforts gave a code that was to come later on.
Dear Tim,
It's now Sunday and I tried to put in the downsview bonus word: BUZZ and it said not valid, does that mean that you have to put it in on Saturday all the time???
Not sure, it worked for me this morning????
HI Tim,
RE:Not sure, it worked for me this morning????
August 3, 2008 5:43 PM
Weird eh, as I put it in with and without capitols, or does that matter as I may have put it in cap's both times!! Shouldn't matter though as I used to enter all the songs putting the first letter of each word of the song in capitals?? Oh well, maybe there's a 24 hour time limit, like with the bonus words as I didn't get the first 2 of Saturday's today as I only tried later on this afternoon (probably past the 24 hours that they are good for, right?)
Thanks again for your help Tim, YOU ROCK!! Always appreciate your help!!
I find it very interesting that at 9:21am tim posted the 9:20 code as being "water", but then someone claimed it was wrong, and that the word was "future". Yet at 11:00PM tonight, both "water" and "future" appear to be valid codes. My only conclusion is that the one playing games with us is actually an insider who knows the codes in advance, as the chance of guessing one is virtually impossible. Somehow I sense this may have been a setup to see who is using this blog for their codes. After all, if you entered a code 8 hours before it was actually on the radio, where did you get it from?
What you say does have it's merits I agree, however someone is also trying to pretend to be Tim and Tim only posts in blue with his name underlined, so someone's also causing him a lot of grief by pretending to be him and swearing back saying F-YOU to NOT THE REAL TIM!!! SO the joke is on the F-YOU person for swearing at NOT the real TIM!!
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